Times Tables
Times Tables
Times table knowledge and rapid recall of these number facts makes Maths lessons much more accessible for children.
Each year group has times table targets they are working towards and these documents can help them achieve, or in many cases, exceed their goals.
The times table grid.
Adults and older siblings can help children by quizzing them on various number facts using the grid for information (if needed). Even if the children are questioned on tables they already know, it helps them embed their learning or speed up the recall of such facts. A few questions each day whilst getting ready for school, eating breakfast or whilst walking home can really help. Try it! View it here.
The Read, Say, Cover, Write, Check grids can be printed (or children can ask to have them printed at school and sent home) and then the children simply look at the first number fact, read it in their head, say it out loud, cover it up with the their hand, write it out again in the box next to the fact and finally check their answer. This process is repeated three times, in total, for each number fact. By doing so the children are using visual, audible and kinaesthetic learning techniques to help secure the times tables facts. Using this technique has helped many children in Kirton Primary (with spellings and tables) so if you can encourage this to be completed at home, you will be helping your child immensely. Click the times tables links above to view them.
Multiplication Tests
Please click on the links below for Mulitplication tests: Pyramid steps one to forty-four:
Times Tables
Please click here to view a Letter home to parents
Do you have a child in Year 4?
If so, they will be taking the statutory multiplication tables check (MTC).
The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help us to identify pupils who may need additional support.
Please click below to view some information from the Govenment's Standards and Testing Agency: